
Registration Closes Soon—Secure Your Spot Today!


MUNISS is a fantastic way to immerse your school in an MUN experience, offering both leadership and participation roles for your students to take on, as chairs and delegates respectively.

Availability: Only a few spots remain

First, register your school through the school registration form linked below, as well as in the invitation select schools received.

Then, once we reviewed your application and accept your school, you will be emailed further instructions as to how you can transfer details on the students and directors that will be joining MUNISS from your school. This includes the form that students will use to sign up to their delegate or chair positions, as well as the form that you, as the directors, will use to register yourselves.

If you have already registered, you will have been sent an email outlining further steps to take. This includes information on how you can submit details of the students and directors that will be joining MUNISS from your school.

In case of questions regarding the process, please contact us at


Delegates are the most important part of every MUN conference. They debate as their country and draft regarding the issues of the committee

Availability: ISS Applicants

Deadline: January 24th, 2025

Cost: 80€

Chair – StOff

The chair moderates discussions and ensures adherence to rules, fostering productive diplomatic debates among delegates from various countries. They play a crucial role in facilitating the resolution of global issues.

Availability: ISS Applicants & Individual External Applicants (students joining MUNISS individually, not together with their school). Due to popular demand, applications have been closed ahead of schedule.

Deadline: January 24th, 2025

Cost: 60€


The press team is responsible for documenting and reporting on the discussions, bringing to life the dynamics of global diplomacy. Their insights and coverage provide an invaluable dimension to our conference, offering a deeper understanding of the international issues being addressed.

Availability: Only ISS Applicants. Due to popular demand, applications have been closed ahead of schedule.

Deadline: January 24th, 2025

Cost: 60


For newcomers, it’s a good way to enter the world of MUN. The work required is less taxing because the admins will not participate in the debates or draft resolutions. The main role of an admin is to pass notes between delegates, assist chairs, and ensure that committee rules are adhered to. 

Availability: Only ISS Applicants. 

Deadline: January 24th, 2025

Cost: 50€


Our supervisors play a vital role in our MUN conference. They handle logistics and provide essential on-site supervision. If you want a dynamic role that involves preparation and event support, consider joining us as a supervisor!

Availability: Only ISS Applicants. Due to popular demand, applications have been closed ahead of schedule.

Deadline: January 24th, 2025

Cost: 50

Delegate Assignments Are Out!