
Are you eager to join MUNISS as a delegate but unsure how to cover the costs? The MUNISS Scholarship Program is here to help!

What does it cover? Selected participants will attend MUNISS at no cost.

How to apply?
Submit a 3-to-4-minute video to answering the following questions:

  1. Who are you? Where do you come from? How old are you? Introduce yourself briefly.
  2. Why do you want to join MUNISS?
  3. What skills or experience do you have with MUN or debate? If you don’t have any, explain why you want to learn how to debate.
  4. What global issues are you most interested in debating, and why?

What are we looking for?
Your video will be judged based on:

  • Passion and Enthusiasm for debate and global issues
  • Creativity in your presentation
  • Knowledge of global challenges
  • Relevance of Skills or Experience (if any)
  • How MUNISS can help you grow

We can’t wait to hear from you—good luck!

Delegate Assignments Are Out!