
Delegate Resources

MUN Conferences, including MUNISS, are best if you are prepared. Only if you represent accurate, real-life-based information, will you and your fellow delegates be able to make significant, real-life-based change. To best prepare, we ask that you:

  • Research. Other than other conferences, we don’t require position papers. If you like the format, feel free to use it. If you prefer your own research style, go for it. We have summarised some of the best guides into our own MUNISS Research guide, and made it accessible to you below.
  • Opening Speeches.  These are speeches that you’ll present at the beginning of the debate on a topic. You will need one opening speech per topic, one minute in length at maximum. These should be engaging, capture people’s attention, which is why we suggest the following format: hook (interesting fact, quote, etc.), point (your country’s perspective, policies, etc.) and a call for action (what you want to do, what you want to do with others, what others should do, etc.)
  • Resolutions/Clauses. If you are in a non-ad-hoc committee (all except HSC and SC), you will need to prepare a resolution for each of your topics. If you are in a ad-hoc committee, the debate will run clause-by-clause, meaning that instead of a resolution, you’ll prepare at least 6 feasible operative clauses which you can amend to the resolution during debate.

Delegate Assignments Are Out!